B/L Freight Management System for fixed Liners


This B/L Freight Management System in addition to centralizing information between liner operators and shipping agents, has functions for setting authority for shipping agents and giving work instructions via email, making schedule management and unaccounted receivables management enabling agency settlements more efficient.


Explore a wide range of features tailored to your needs.

Various input methods to assist in freight tariff management

The system includes a feature for importing extensive freight tariff data into Excel, which is crucial for handling the vast amount of data arising from combinations of jurisdictional ports and cargo types. It also supports efficient updates for tariff changes and bulk updates of multiple tariffs, streamlining the information management process.

Capturing Booking information real time

In addition to bulk registration and editing of various types of information, the system can analyze registered booking information and generate various outputs to aid in planning cargo loading.

It is a seamless function linking the accounting system

Integration with TRANS-Account is supported, but the system can also interface with existing third-party accounting systems. This capability ensures efficient handling of complex accounting processes.

Other Features

Explore a wide range of features tailored to your needs.

Highly functional and diverse tariff management

A variety of input methods are available to assist with the management of freight tariffs, which can become enormous when combining jurisdictional ports and cargo types.

Excel Import Function
The system allows for bulk import of large volumes of booking data, including batch imports from systems used by various agents, facilitating the consolidation of booking information.

Bulk Registration/Editing Function for Booking Management
When surcharges are revised, you can efficiently update information such as rates, or update multiple tariffs on the same route at once. You can also edit and check each tariff individually.

Booking management function

Based on the registered booking information, the system can generate Stowage Lists for cargo planning and provide forecasts for cargo and freight rates categorized by vessel, voyage, and discharge port.

Excel import function
It is possible to import booking data in bulk, such as when importing large amounts of booking data or importing data in bulk from systems used by each agency.

Booking management Bulk registration/editing function
It is possible to update information collectively, such as changing the booking status of the same shipper or switching the operating vessel, which greatly reduces the workload.

Analysis of various booking information
It is possible to output a stowage list to plan cargo stowage based on registered booking information, as well as cargo and freight forecasts by vessel, voyage, and loading/discharging port.

B/L Management Function

The system reflects input candidates for vessels, ports, and other details from master data, making it easy to enter information. The imported data can be directly used to create B/L (Bill of Lading) documents.

S/O distribution and import function
Input candidates for ships, ports, etc. are reflected from the master information in the system, making it easy to enter information. The imported data can be used directly to create B/L data.

Document Issuance Processing
The system handles the issuance of various documents, including S/O (Shipping Order), M/R (Mate’s Receipt), B/L (Bill of Lading), A/N (Advice Note), D/O (Delivery Order), and Manifest, for both export and import processes.

Freight Settlement Function

The system integrates seamlessly with TRANS-Account, streamlining tasks such as accounts receivable recording, bank transactions, and daily voucher creation. It also supports integration with other accounting systems to enhance overall efficiency in accounting processes.

B/L Information Analysis Function

Using actual B/L (Bill of Lading) data, the system analyzes and generates reports on cargo volume, freight charges, and other metrics, categorized by shipper, vessel, voyage, and discharge port (country/port).

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